Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Letter to Speaker Pelosi

Dear Speaker Pelosi,

Hands off our healthcare!

If you had the capacity to think or really cared about our country, I would add the following:

More government regulations will make our healthcare even more expensive. Public option or no public option, the result is the same - the enslavement of the people by turning them into whining moochers unable to take care of themselves. The outcome of this reform will be more power to the government with more expensive and less efficient healthcare. Don’t think that we are fools who don’t understand that there is no such thing as something for nothing. “Free” government healthcare means more taxes, more inflation, more bureaucracy. Instead of helping some destitute people to rise, you’ll bring down everybody to the level of destitution.

But you don’t care. You would sell your soul, and no doubt you will sacrifice the future of this country for the sake of holding on to your power just a little longer.

The only true reform should include deregulation, removal of the existing government chains. Only real unimpeded competition can solve our problems. We need to simplify our health insurance system instead of making it more complicated. Health insurance should be just an emergency insurance like all other types of insurance. What we have now is prepaid care, which drives the prices sky-high, because once the deductible is reached people rush to get “free” unnecessary treatments to get their money back.

Emergency health insurance is virtually non-existent now. Even if you manage to find one with a high deductible, you are still forced to pay for things like obesity treatment, mental health and so on. How do we expect to fight obesity and other unhealthy behaviors if we punish people with healthy lifestyles by making them pay more to cover people with unhealthy lifestyles? Is this fair to make healthy people pay more in order to cover unhealthy people? We don't prepay every car repair in our auto insurance, we pay the price depending on our driving habits. Why is it so difficult to implement the same standards in the health care?

All these problems are a direct result of government regulations and the influence of lobbies instead of the rule of Law and the Constitution. Doctors should be given more freedom to decide what treatment to give to their patients. They should be free from constant fear of frivolous law suits. They should be free from having to deal with complicated insurance codes that add tremendous costs to their services, they should be free from government officials telling them how to do their job better.

Instead of piling more burden on the already bankrupt country, why don't you admit that you have been wrong all this time. You have brought this country to a complete collapse with your social security, medicare and medicaid entitlements. You have made a mistake by thinking that the government can solve problems better than independent people free to cooperate with each other without any force. Roll back you voracious appetites, leave us be, get off our backs, or we'll have to shake you off by voting you out!

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